The Odisha Staff Selection Commission, is going to organize the Combined Higher Secondary Level Recruitment Examination 2024 to fulfill 324 vacancies of the Soil Conservation Extension Worker (SCEW) under different departments. The online registration process for this recruitment opened on November 27, 2024, and closed on December 26, 2024. Which are must to appear in the examination, the admit card is shortly going to be uploaded by the OSSC official website.
Candidates should download Odisha CHSL admit cards by logging into the portal using their regid. Please, bear in mind that the admit cards will not be mailed by post, instead all candidates will have to download them from the university website. Candidates are requested to have their admit card to be prepared prior to the exam day to avoid any difficulty.
The selection process for OSSC CHSL Recruitment 2024 comprises of three stage(s). For the Preliminary Examination, first candidates general aptitude and basic knowledge will be checked. Then, the Written Examination of Main Focus is technical and post-focused ability. The last step is Certificate Verification which checks whether shortlisted applicants are eligible and qualified. This process ensures a fair and transparent selection.
Odisha Group C Exam Schedule
There will be announced to the public through press release of the commission’s website the exact dates of the preliminary and of the main examinations. Preliminary examination will be conducted first, then followed by main examination and document verification. Candidates are encouraged to regularly visit website site to view information.
Admit Card Information

Issuance of OSSC CHSL 2025 admit card is a must for the examination. Candidates are welcome to download it from the developer’s site, few days prior to the exam. This card includes key information such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam centre, date and time of the exam, and important test instructions.
It is mandatory for the candidates to download, print their admit card and take it along with their original valid photo identity proof (e.g., Aadhaar card, voter ID, passport) to the examination centre. Admitting card also provides a list of items, which are banned inside the examination hall, for example, electronic thing, and recommends to the candidates to go to the centre sufficiently before reporting time so as to avoid any unnecessary concern.
If there is discrepancy or any lack of information on the admit card, the students are advised to immediately inform OSSC via their helpline or via their official email and the matter to be settled. It is also advised to keep the admit card safe till the recruitment process is over.
How to Download Odisha CHSL Admit Card 2025?
Downloading the admit card is a straightforward task to be performed by the candidates in order to sit for the examination. Following are the step-by-step guidelines by which the candidate can easily download the admit card from the official website of OSSC.
- Visit the Official Website: Go to the
- Navigate to the Admit Card Section: The New” section contains the link.
- Login: Enter your registration ID and password to log in.
- Download Admit Card: Click on the download link for the admit card. Save it as a PDF file.
- Print: Take a printout of the admit card to carry to the examination hall.